Thursday, September 8, 2016

A leopard never changes its spots

Malala Yousufzai , in an interview to the Pakistani daily Dawn, has called upon the United Nations and international community to put an end to the “atrocities on Kashmiri people in Indian held Kashmir”. 

As per reports:-
“The Kashmiri people, like people everywhere, deserve their fundamental human rights… They should live free of fear and repression,” Malala said.
“I call on the United Nations, the international community and India and Pakistan to work together with utmost urgency to right these wrongs, providing the people of Kashmir with the dignity, respect and freedom they deserve,” Dawn quoted her as saying.

Malala said that due to the weeks-long curfew imposed in Kashmir “many schools have been closed… keeping children away from their classrooms.”
“I stand with the people of Kashmir. My 14 million Kashmiri sisters and brothers have always been close to my heart,” she said.

She proves all along what any person with a sane brain who looked beyond the propaganda knew:- She’s a pawn for both the west and global jihad whitewashing lobby, and a pathetic one that too.

Has this hypocrite ever cared to even utter a word about the atrocities of the Pakistan army on Balochistan, where 25000 have disappeared in less than ten years (official figure), chemical weapons have been used and women have been dragged to rape camps? Or about the hundreds of Yazidi girl taken as sex slaves by Daesh? Or on about the atrocities in Pakistani Kashmir? On the atrocities on Shias and Ahmedis in Pakistan? Or on the acid attacks epidemic in Pakistan? Or the blatant human rights violations sponsored by Saudi Arabia which includes public beheadings and women being whipped for being raped?. I wont expect her to speak on the atrocities on Pakistani/Bangladeshi Hindus or Kashmiri pandits because for her they will be persona non grata, but shes done nothing more than parrot the same lies (Terrorism is because of poverty and discrimination, education will make it vanish) which the leftist controlled media spreads on a daily basis.

Maybe shooting her was not a bad thing. What was bad was that a Kalashnikov wasn’t used instead of a .22. Taliban surely looks in a dire condition for not being able to teach its cadres to shoot straight.After all, that .22 bullet in her head by some Taliban moron who didn’t know how to do his work properly is her claim to fame. Her daddy must be thanking Allah for that bullet in her head, which fortunately for him, has made him the master of millions of dollars, never having to work again in his life.

So the Taliban  tried to kill her in 2012 to dissuade girls from going to school. She survived this, and awoke as a media celebrity. She was carried to London from further treatment, and post that was awarded the Nobel Peace prize two years later. Malala said in her speech how the biggest thing terrorists are scared of girls with books and how education is the key and how she is not afraid of Taliban. Shes is so not afraid of the Taliban that she has never went back to Pakistan (SWAT valley) again, choosing instead, to show her so called bravery and wisdom from the safe confines of her country of refuge.Its ironical that the person who escaped from her country is trying to defend the same and trying to preach humanity to India. And on top of that, making staements that Pakistan is a safe country and cricket teams can visit there. If it is that safe, why is she holed up in London?

Nobel prizes for sciences are credible, but that for economics and peace are nothing but a political tool. Nobel prize for peace or economics is nothing but a medium to forward a set agenda, plant a personality to serve   The west and the international community have found a very nice figure in her to advertise their holier than thou image and tokenism that masquerades as solution. Ironically, in her Nobel acceptance speech, she cited "Shaheed" Benazir Bhutto, the person who hoarsely shouted jihadi rhetoric just like her father and who was killed by one of the bombs she distributed to be used across the border. Irony is a very small word to describe this.

Nobel prize for peace in 2014 was awarded to Malala Yousufzai from Pakistan (so that the western elite can congratulate itself as if they have saved all women living under Taliban ) and Kailash Satyarthi from India (so that the white man's burden & 'atrocity porn' can be justified again, because the horrible land of India doesnt care about its children and hence the west must).  It doesnt matter that he too, has questionable credentials. 

The global media has made her into a goddess like figure, made us believe that this pea brain is fighting global jihad with a pen and paper. No she isnt, shes just parroting carefully coached lines like the only cure for terrorism is education (conveniently ignoring that Osama bin Laden was an engineer and Ayman al Zawahiri a surgeon, for eg), speaking about "women empowerment" (but never once mentioning 300 plus schoolgirls captured by Boko Haram as sex slaves or how women are second class citizens in Saudi Arabia, not allowed to even walk in public alone, and caned for driving) and so on. The fact remains that she didnt "win" , like the media has us believe. She did not fight the sword with the pen, she just went to some other place where no bullet will reach her. While there are plenty of examples of revolutionaries and reformers fighting from distant lands for their country, one cannot compare this midget with them, no matter how much the media lionizes her.  Noone wins or becomes a revolutionary by running away and paying lip service to a supposedly beloved cause from the comfort of a safe haven.

The winner here are the terrorists (who must be laughing at her lofty and misleading speeches lapped up by useful idiots around the world). And Malala and the western elite(Because all she has done after waking up from the hospital table is travel the largely western world on funded trips, peddling feminist dogma, liberal lies and her book, making the globalists and liberals feel good about themselves). 

The loser here is millions of girls of Pakistan or other islamic countries for whom things have not changed at all, because lofty words in scripted talk shows and self validating award ceremonies do not change anything. All those girls whom she claims to represent but no longer does will continue living under fear, open to pedophilia or honour killings which continue being a part of glorious sharia ruled societies.

Malala has not gone back to Pakistan. She was shot in the head, and she fled. The terrorists won, no other girl will dare to defy them. Thats a fact, which cannot be changed by any amount of desktop wallpapers or international prizes. She lives in London, hogs the limelight and now as per reports, is paid upwards of USD 1000000 USD for appearing on any show, telling the audiences of how bullets can be silenced by books (one child, one teacher, one book can change the world) , all the while when bullet in the head is the most humane treatment girls speaking out in Taliban or Islamic state controlled areas. The west will keep funding her and stroking her ego, while funding wars and the same Islamic groups that have made the world a bad place at the same time.

As for us foolish Indians, let us stop worshipping just about any token figure that gets honoured by the western elite, and stop embracing our killers from across the borders. There are a lot of people who have been killed for fighting injustice, and as per this logic they all deserve the Nobel peace prize. But good intentions hardly fit the agenda and controlled narrative. Thats why we will always see poster boys and girls being honoured, and real heroes remain unsung.

Friday, September 2, 2016


बेटा , तू चलने लग जा, खूब बातें करेंगे, मज़े ही मज़े हैं I 

बेटा , स्कूल जाने लग, नई किताबें, नया यूनिफार्म , मज़े ही मज़े है I 

बेटा , होमवर्क समय पर कर , टीचर का कहना मान, फिर तो मज़े हैं I 

बेटा ,बहस मत कर, आउट ऑफ़ सिलेबस सवाल मत पूछ, जैसा कहता हूँ कर , फिर तो मज़े हैं I

बेटा, अंकल को यह गाना गाकर सुनाओ, चॉकलेट दूंगी, मज़े ही मज़े हैं I

बेटा, यूनिट टेस्ट पास कर ले अच्छे नम्बरों से, फिर तो मज़े हैं I

बेटा, क्या बेकार का समय  बर्बाद कर रहे हो गर्मियों की छुट्टी का? समर कैंप में जाओ, मज़े हैं वहाँ I 

बेटा, सेकंडरी  पहुँच जा, फिर तो तू सीनियर है, मज़े ही मज़े हैं I 

बेटा, दसवी पास कर ले अच्छे नम्बरों से, फिर तो मज़े हैं I 

बेटा, एक बार कॉलेज मिलने दे तुझे अच्छा, फिर तो मज़े हैं I

बेटा, बारहवीं में अच्छे नम्बर लाना, शर्मा जी के बेटे से ज़्यादा , फिर तो मज़े हैं I 

बेटा , बस एक बार तुझे इंजीनियरिंग में एडमिशन मिल जाए, तेरे मज़े हैं I

बेटा, तेरा प्लेसमेंट हो जाए इस आई टी कम्पनी में, ऑनसाइट जाने  को मिलेगा, मज़े होंगे I

बेटा, एम् बी ऐ भी कर ले , ज़्यादा अच्छे प्रोस्पेक्ट आएंगे, और भी मज़े होंगे I

बेटा, एक बार इस कम्पनी में सेट हो जा, मज़े ही मज़े हैं I

बेटा, तेरा प्रमोशन हो जाने दे, फिर तो तेरे मज़े हैं I

बेटा, कार लेले , मज़े से ऑफिस जाएगा, लोन कोई बहुत ज़्यादा नही I

बेटा, अच्छा घर है, खरीद ले, होम लोन इस बैंक से सस्ते ई एम् आई में मिल रहा हैं, सबके मज़े होंगे I

बेटा, एक बार कोई अच्छी  लड़की देखकर तेरी शादी हो जाए, फिर तो मज़े हैं I 

बेटा , घर में अब एक छोटा मेहमान आ जाए तो मज़ा आये I 

बेटा , अब बबलू बड़ा हो गया है , इसके भाई बेहेन कब आएंगे सोचा है की नहीं? अकेले खेलने कूदने में कहाँ मज़ा है?

बेटा , बबलू पिंकी की स्कूल डोनेशन का सोचा है की नहीं? बड़ा अच्छा स्कूल है, मज़े ही मज़े होंगे उनके I 

बेटा , नया फ्लैट ले ले, अब जगह ज़्यादा लगेगी, फिर मज़े हैं I

बेटा , बस एक बार होम लोन चुक  जाए, फिर किस बात की चिंता, मज़े ही मज़े हैं I 

बेटा , एक बार बबलू इंजीनियर और पिंकी डॉक्टर बन जाए , मज़े ही  मज़े हैं I 

बेटा , बस पिंकी के हाथ पीले हो जाएँ फिर मज़े हैं I 

बेटा , एक बार बबलू की शादी हो जाए,फिर मज़े हैं I

बेटा , एक बार शेयर बाज़ार ऊपर जाने दे, फिर तो मज़े  हैं I 

बेटा , एक बार   सोने  का भाव चढ़ने दे,  फिर मज़े हैं I 

बेटा , एक बार नाती पोते आ जाएँ घर में, फिर मज़े हैं I

बेटा , ये इन्सुरन्स प्लान ले ले, बुढापे में मज़े होंगे I

बेटा , रिटायरमेंट प्लानिंग  कर, पेंशन प्लान में  तो मज़े हैं I 

बेटा , मर जा ,कसम से , उसके बाद तो मज़े ही मज़े हैं I