Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Communal verses and Secular vices

Till a few days ago, Inspector Sujata Patil was just another name in the over 40000 strong Mumbai Police force. Today she is in the centre of a storm and an eyesore for all bleeding hearts. Because she has made the communal folly of writing a poem against destruction caused by a congregation of about 3000 peaceful people sponsored by Raza Academy, who, after their meeting in Azad maidan on 11th Aug 2012 through a peacefully planned motive wreaked havoc near the CST, secularly damaging and torching vehicles including that of the police and the media, virtuously beating up the constables and manhandling women. Fortunately they could not kill anyone as a token of their activism. The reason of all the ruckus was the alleged atrocities on Muslims in Myanmar and Assam (most of the photos of which turned out to be fake later). To cause mayhem in Mumbai due to some supposed injustice in Myanmar is perfectly peaceful and secular logic. But the most beautiful display of patriotism was given by this peaceful mob when Amar Jyoti, a memorial to the Indian soldiers who have laid down their lives for the country, was smashed completely. The damage to property caused can be estimated in a few crores, a seemingly small sum to ensure the communal harmony in the country.

Inspite of all the mayhem caused, the secular state government decided to wait till Ramzan was over to apprehend the miscreants, including the ones who had destroyed the Amar Jyoti. Another sickening spectacle added to the countless others before it and countless others which will undoubtedly follow it , in an inept society which is cowardice, convenience and stupidity personified, aptly ruled by their chosen political class  for whom minority appeasement is more important than national interest and appeasement is more important than justice, whose vision does not extend beyond the next election around the corner. We have no reason to complain as a failed society like us for which words like nation, honour and self respect are just punchlines and not codes to live by can only produce sub human leadership. Here, it is not the best who comes to the forefront, but the one who shouts the most and the one who has the most number of hired goons to thrash his opponents. The only value that matters is nuisance value.

Police forces in all states without exception in our great nation are more rotten to the core and can make a putrefied corpse teeming with maggots look hale and hearty in comparison. The number of honest people in it are helpless to do anything and spend their careers in frustration. One cannot expect any good thoughts to survive in such an environment, but they do in significant numbers.

Inspector Sujata Patil made the folly of not forgiving magnanimously the secular violence on azad maidan and penned a poem in a Mumbai Police magazine, expressing her anguish at the total helplessness of the law , that the hands of the traitors who desecrated the martyr’s memorial should have been chopped off, that it was an attack on the people which should have been replied with bullets. That we are nurturing snakes in the name of brotherhood.

All hell broke loose, because in a media dominated by the left and armchair intellectuals who preach nothing but inertia and self hatred, any sign of patriotism or pride is blasphemy and crime. A prominent film director known for his filthy thoughts and his equally filthy drivel passing off as  films asked that she be sent to a psychiatrist to see where her hatred comes from. The writer suggests that he and the likes of him should be sent for a psychiatric evaluation to determine where his shamelessness comes from and what exactly flows in his veins, which makes him hire Pakistanis by the truckload in all of his loathsome projects and condemn and demean his own people at the drop of a hat. A few humane creatures are even considering filing a case in the high court against her. The Mumbai Police tendered apology for the poem, without pondering over the fact that has any apology been issued from Raza Academy for manhandling police constables?

Where were these activists when the rioters were destroying public  property with impunity? Why are all leftists considered as defacto intellectuals? Why does the so called educated section of the society even give the scantiest attention to these so called intellegensia  who have no qualms in calling our troops as rapists, terrorists as freedom fighters, nationalism as fascism and who never lose an opportunity to demean anything in which people take pride in? Why didn’t the sold out media condemn this incident inspite of the fact that many journalists were beaten up and press vehicles torched? 

Targetting a particular religion as the reason of terrorism and crime is wrong, but then isn’t terming the demand for action against the perpetrators of violence as an attack on that religion wrong as well?

The situation has become so sickening that it doesn’t matter whether the elected leader is corrupt or a criminal as long as he is secular. The biggest crimes and the biggest blunders are erased as long as the person in question proves his secular credentials. It doesn’t matter that caste based politics thrives in the country only due to these secular leaders who have meticulously made it certain through the conditioning of their voter base that elections in India should be nothing more than covert caste wars and that democracy should be infact a mobocracy where 51% trample on the rights of the remaining 49% . Any voice of sanity from someone who calls himself a nationalist or who is perceived to be “saffron” is drowned out in the cacophony of cries of injustice and the demands for an undeserved entitlement. Since the last decade, the biggest scams which have cost the country enough to stall its progress for another decade are forgotten by the intellectuals and the media, because its the secular leaders who are the reason for them. That is why Gujarat riots are being harped about again and again, but not the exodus and ethnic cleansing of the Kashmiri Hindus who after a quarter century remain refugees in their own country but no one cares because they aren’t a vote bank.  Nor the killing of more than 4000 sikhs in 1984 because secular people were in power. Because secularism means getting Bangladeshis inside India and giving them citizenship to ensure one’s victory in elections

We have blurred all lines between use and abuse, secularism and appeasement, tolerance and cowardice. Because we are so selfish, that for a bottle of booze and a few sops we make conmen our leaders. And for the so called educated among us, the person’s worth of leadership remains limited to how many degrees from foreign universities he holds and how much of an orator he is in eloquent English, regardless of whether it makes logic or not. Hence exists the frightening cowardice, apathy and silence in face of any attack on the very existence of law and order in the society.

Or for that matter, silence even in face of the accusations on someone like Sujata Patil who dares to speak up.

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