Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Gulabi Chacha

Dear Gulabi Chacha,

Again comes your birthday, childrens day as we call it, because apparently only you loved children. Its another matter that there are many others who did something concrete to justify their love of children. All you did was play with some carefully selected spick and span children on republic day. But you did pretty little for your beloved children Chacha, starting with the criminal neglect of elementary education in favour of higher education institutes even though it’s the former which has to be given the highest importance in any sane society, because afterall it was the priority of the masses you were a world away from since your childhood in the opulent Swaraj Bhawan and Anand Bhawan. Hence we still have a fifth of our population illiterate even today and we still remain one of the worst places for a child to grow up. One wonders why your birthday is celebrated as children’s day. What is one supposed to tell one’s child on the meaning of this day? To sell the country for one’s selfish motives? To ignore reality in favour of flowery dreams which blinds everyone to dangers? Or to hold debauchery and hedonism paramount to all the other qualities? As far as the humble writer is concerned, he will prefer remaining childless than to have children who will grow up to emulate your example.

Freedom fighter is what we are taught to call you. Although, like your mentor, you were placed in the most comfortable accomodations during your jail terms, where you had the luxury and comfort to distort and mutilate India's history beyond anyone's wildest dreams.You called this discovery of morbidity as discovery of India. Nowhere can blatant falsification like Aryan invasion theory or painting a rosy picture of the barbarian hordes be called as history but in a corrupt society. This pulp fiction, which can only be hailed by the very delusional or the very treacherous, confirms that there are two kinds of history-the real one and the official one.

 You would not  had a snowball's chance in hell of a political career had you not been Barrister Motilal Nehru's son, whose money the Congress needed, the party that you would quickly convert into your fiefdom two decades later. Nor would you have been even considered as a leader had not Mr Gandhi endorsed you feverently. Fate was kind to a person, who hardly passed any exam in Cambridge nor did an honest day's work in his life, to be besotted with the title of Pandit. Your presence in the freedom struggle is not a lot more than photo ops with Gandhi & Co, a few eloquent speeches that you made to the crowds and a few sessions that you presided, thanks to Mr Gandhi. It was him, who promoted you always, ultimately over the capable Sardar Patel, which saw you become the prime minister of independent India. Nevertheless, in this capacity you had all the opportunity of becoming the greatest leader a country can have. Instead, you built an administrative structure that had nothing Indian in it, which instead is a ghastly mixture of the Soviet regime and the British Raj, systems which were made to oppress and were the farthest from the upliftment of the common man. Rightly you have been called as the last Englishman to rule India.

You did not have the slightest capability to quell the partition bloodbath or pressurize the Muslim league to reduce their influence, and looked towards the British for all matters in running the state. All you cared was the new throne of India, the opulent lifestyle unsuited to the head of state of a then poor country, playing into the hands of Lord Mountbatten, whom you depended on in running the matters of the soon to be vivisected land and showing more than just love for his better half (Afterall, Gulabo was a bigger priority than governance). Nero’s example looks pale in comparison. It was not a tryst with destiny that we entered into, but a tryst with infamy, shame and suicide. You even tried to scuttle Sardar Patel’s plan of capturing Hyderabad with force from the murderous Razzakars of the Nizam, which thankfully for us went through and hence we have Hyderabad and 537 other principalities as the part of our country today. One shudders to think what would have happened if you had retained the home ministry during 1947-50. Sardar Patel’s warnings about China were ignored and every effort was made to undermine him. After his death in Dec 1950, the road for the left to dominate the Congress was open, which continues till today.

The Indian Army was on the verge of wiping out the entire presence of Pakistan from Kashmir when you, on Lord Mountbatten’s advice declared ceasefire and carried the Kashmir question to UN, thereby becoming the only stellar example of a head of state in the world who stopped the war that he was winning. Afterall, you had to prove yourself as a worthy disciple of Mr Gandhi, who not very long before this had gone on a hunger strike to death in order to award Rs 550 million to Pakistan which it gleefully used to build its forces. India remains forever grateful to you for your handling of the Kashmir issue.

No lessons were taken from this attack by the newly formed state of Pakistan. The modernization of the Indian armed forces was given the least importance throughout the 1950’s by you and your crony communist defence minister Mr VK Menon. All that was in your mind was the greatness of your Soviet idols like the humanitarian Josef Stalin and the new danger of Mao’s China. You went as far as renouncing the chance of India getting a permanent security council seat in the UN in favour of China, even though it had occupied Tibet the same year. So much for your foreign policy. All the intentions of China to usurp Indian territory was ignored because Panchsheel and Non Aligned movement (A beggar party which ridiculously continues even today and it is interesting to note that none of the non aligned countries ever stood by India in any of its numerous hours of need) were more important. China attacked on Oct 1962. Our troops fought valiantly, but they were found to be lacking in necessary support,and war cannot be won by bravery alone. When China finally withdrew a month later, India was left bloodied, 5000 of its brave troops lost and thousands of miles of its territory under Chinese occupation, an infamy which will forever haunt us. If you had had any foresight  about India’s security I 1947, you wouldn’t have had to cry to “Ae mere wata ke logo” in 1962. A Himalayan blunder by a blundering “leadership”. Mercifully, weren’t around when Pakistan attacked in 1965, or its borders would have started after Rajasthan.
Your pathological love and fascination for Communism and its greatest practioner ,the Soviet Union and later on Red China, was boundless. Since your short visit there in 1927,you were so much taken in by their planned economy that you became a proto communist yourself, wanting to make India a mirror image of it. You even called communism the most humane system, conveniently ignoring the rivers of blood, the mass purges and liquidations and the depraved living standards of people there. Even after the massive de-Stalinization done by Khruschev from 1954 onwards did not cause your deification for Stalin to diminish, regardless of the details of the great purge and similar crimes against humanity coming to light. No efforts were spared to make India a Soviet style socialist state masquerading as a democratic nation. Communist literature and funds flowed like torrents in the country and it had a devastating effect which is felt even today with more than a fourth of the country suffering from the red menace. Indian academic system became dominated by communists, who have henceforth poisoned generations of students with their utter drivel, the effects of which can be seen till today in the hordes of rootless middle class youngsters devoid of any nationalism who have nothing but contempt for their culture and slavish admiration for everything foreign. It was a fitting tribute to you that the University named after you We continue to have textbooks printed by leftist “intellectuals” that paint India’s history as the history of its invaders and reduce the national heroes to a paragraph, or malign them or obliterate their record altogether.

Your brand of socialism did what any form of socialism does- distributing wealth without creating it . But the problem with socialism is that you soon run out of other people's money. When you stifle production, how can you expect growth? When you limit capacity, how can you expect quality to develop? Your leftist worshippers scoffingly call this as "Hindu rate of growth" whereas in reality, it was "Nehruvian rate of growth". How much of national wealth has been thrown to the dogs in the name of socialism, populism, public sector and five year plans is unfathomable. It has made the difference between India's villages looking like little heavens and wastelands. Your beloved daughter continued with these ghastly policies, which made it impossible for an honest man to do business in this country, as licenses were only obtained after money was passed around the government officials who mattered. Even today, an unscrupulous businessman has all the friends in the local authorities while the efficient one has the government agencies hounding him till he either shuts shop or moves to a place where he is harassed less.

Nehruvian Socialism's damage to India was more psychological than monetary. It has rewarded ineptitude and punished efficiency. It has encouraged more and more sections of the economy to become non performing and believe that any section of the society doing well, owes them a living. A government job still remains a dream preferable to being a professional as it makes ample provisions even for the coming generation. This legacy of yours continues to bleed us, put millions and millions of dollars of national resources into the gutters called public sector enterprises, five year plans, a soviet legacy which still survives even two decades after Soviet Union’s demise. Also survives is the immense void between the haves and have-nots, between the all powerful bureaucrats and the puny common man, which again is a reminder of the nightmarish existence of a common man in a communist regime where he is nobody , someone whose entire life can be decided at the whims and fancies of the local party boss or a commissar. The same system was established in India, the local party boss replaced by the MLA/MP and the commissar replaced by the Indian bureaucrat. And they together continue to suck the country dry and make any sort of an honest decent life impossible.
Do I need say anything about Nehruvian Secularism? Its another name for blatant appeasement, where Urdu is termed more Indian than Sanskrit, where Mahmud is a hero and Shivaji a robber,where towns have names like Ghaziabad, where any mention of the name “Hindu” or its glory is a sign for the rabid dogs of secularism to bark their hearts out and any talk of weeding the undesirable elements causes the same dogs to yelp in pain because their darlings will be persecuted?
 You are called as the architect of India by your sycophants and macaulite followers, and I have to agree with them. Only you can be the architect of a dystopia where any kind of thought on national interest is deemed extremist and treason is tolerated in the name of secularism and progressivism. Afterall, when the biggest hedonist imaginable gives a slogan of Aaram Haram Hai (Rest is Forbidden), it speaks volumes about the hypocrite, cowardly and escapist society he is a product of, which can only produce abominations in the name of leadership, which is busy singing “Chhodo Kal ki Baatein, ki baat purani (Forget yesterday’s events, they are old) as it has no vision, neither about itself nor knows who are its friends and who its enemies, nor has any desire to learn from history to avoid repeating the same follies in future. All it knows in the name of solving its issues is to pretend that there aren’t any issues at all.
Have a good Birthday, Gulabi Chacha, while we wallow here in the mess created by your likes, which we richly deserve.

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