Superdaddy sits on a throne in heaven. He is all powerful, all knowing,perfect in every aspect and yet he needs your money all the time, for his birthday or for building a house for him.
He is watching your every move every second.He will make the sky fall on your head if you take one sip of that whiskey or one drag of that cigarette or bat an eyelid at that girl you like.
You must praise him and flatter him all the time or he gets very angry.You must not speak any evil or do any evil while you are in his house. You can do them in any other place, even though he is claimed to be present everywhere.
He controls your mind and curse be upon you if any thought unfavourable to him ever arises in it.
You will be rewarded with eternal happiness if you surrender your brains and your soul to him.
He has a long list of things that you must do and should not do and if you go against them, he has a special place designed for you where you will keep on burning forever.
He will cast infernal fire on you if you dare to question him and pestilence will rain on you as long as you live if you deviate from his rules.
But he loves you, don't you forget that.