Friday, March 18, 2016

Everything is free, nothing is available.

Customer: How much for a dozen bananas?
Fruitseller: Twenty five rupees.
Customer:That’s too much,  the neighbouring seller gives it for ten rupees a dozen.
Fruitseller:  Why dont you buy it from him then.
Customer:  Well he is out of bananas.
Fruitseller: When I’m out of bananas, I sell them for six rupees a dozen.

That’s the leftist utopia of socialism in brief. Where whatever is missing is promised for practically free. But when the promisors are in power and the promised thing is available, it is either reserved for the select few or it is exorbitantly out of reach. And the reason is always blamed on the divisive forces and the enemy of the people. It is blamed on everyone and everything except the peoples representatives. They can do no wrong.

Where it is hammered in our minds that we must follow them , without question, in anything and everything, that their decided path will get us the perfect future they have promised for us , and for that perfect future, we must bear the brunt of an impoverished and insulting present without complaint. But it turns out that all life goes in that impoverished and insulting present and the perfect future never comes up. Because stupidity and entitlement reigns, and instead of creating leaders who can make the society worthwhile, charlatans are made leaders who spend precious resources giving freebies and useless subsidies and then recover it tenfold when in power. Hence all the schools, hospitals, institutions, employment etc remains merely on paper, because the resources that could have built and sustained them have already been squandered on populist measures, freebies, subsidies, kleptocracy and nepotism.

Socialism spawns from one simple twisted thought: Hate everyone whos doing better than you. If someone is doing much better than you, its not your fault but his, that the fact that anyone else can have a better life than you is injustice to you. You must rise and tear apart anything good that comes of such people, and strive to destroy such people themselves.  Everything must have state intervention, everything must be dictated by the nanny state. Individual thought is a crime. Go with the mob. The mob can do no evil. Arson, strikes, murders etc are all justifiable if they are done for ‘peoples’ good and if it can usher in a new revolution. Discourage private ownership and entrepreneurship. Encourage nationalisation.

Socialism’s two most grotesque spawns have been Communism (International Socialism) and Fascism /Nazism (National Socialism). Communism goes a step further and does away with private property all together and brings in collectivisation. It does away with national sentiments and rules that the ‘revolution’ must be exported to all parts of the world. National Socialism brings ethnicity into the equation and does away with the collectivisation. Its puts fear into its followers that unless they stick by the ideology they will be destroyed by the ‘enemy’, who is racially or nationally different from them.
Communism certainly isn’t the force which once it used to be, but the source behind it still stands strong today, with its ever clichéd but sadly always successful disguise of ‘greater good’ and ‘equality’ and ‘social justice’.

Socialism succeeded in ruining the world by convincing the gullible masses and educated fools that the existence of rich in the world is a crime and that all economic woes can be corrected by taking  from the rich and giving to the poor. People like Indians who are bred on socialist style economy and education system never tried to understand that wealth cant be distributed without being creating . Money is not unlimited. That there are very few sources of money and there is only a limit till where they can be exploited. Today in most countries in the world, media, academia and performing arts are in the vice like grip of the west.  And these being the three most decisive elements to form opinions of the present and future generations, they have brainwashed subsequent generations to believe in and vote such elements to power,leaving them with no capacity to understand that they are voting their own misery to power.

Creation of wealth is a rare skill, its rarer than being able to score a goal or paint or drive a racing car or act. Making money is difficult, keeping it and multiplying it is even more difficult. Very few people can manage that, thats why they are wealthy, because they know how to make their money work hard for them. Others (Middle class and Working class) squander it away. Thats why most game contest and lottery winners end up way worse than they were before, because they didnt know what to do with their newfound riches. The same why most sportspersons and artistes end up penniless in their later days.

No school ever teaches money management or entrepreneurship. Its not because they have missed the plot, its because its meant to be that way to start the whole cycle all over again. Because that is the plan, to continue the status quo of having the working and the middle class toil day and night just to save a little above starvation, and to have them so busy that they do not have even a moments time to think of anything beyond their own sustenance. This is the design by which the real owners of any country (the politicians are there to give us an illusion of choice) maintain rule by having a population just smart enough to run their machinery but too dumb to be able of critical thinking. Leftists will be quick to call this the evil of capitalism, but capitalism is not at fault here, the fault lies with what has been done to it.  Evil though capitalism may sound today, it remains the only alternative and hope for a society which wants atleast a fighting chance to have a good living they dreamt of, which socialism kills at the very onset with its forced notion of equality which instead of justice, kills anything resembling talent in a society, thereby forcing everyone with the least bit of ability to find footing in another land.

Socialism produces nothing, it milks others for its own benefits and enforces the view that doing so is its birthright. The genius of the left lies in using the anguish of fringe groups for its own benefit. It utilizes the minorities against the majority. The best example is the Bolshevik revolution, where except one or two, the entire politburo had no ethnic Russians. And they all killed ethnic Russians by hundreds of thousands over the years. After the Bolsheviks seized power in 1918 (hijacking the October revolution of 1917 ), instead of trying to put the huge landmass of Russia and Central Asian states in order, they fought a brutal civil war of three years (1918-21) against the white army (Tsar loyalists) and green army  which laid the entire region to waste , to consolidate their hold on power. After the USSR was finally established, they put down the same minorites that they claimed to love with the most brutal force. The socialist utopia was a giant slave labour camp , where everyone spied on everyone and dissenters disappeared without a trace. 

The over 150000 nobles and officials of the Tsarist regime were replaced by commissars and the party officials.  Revolution is just the name of replacing a tyrant with a much worse tyrant. Revolution is never spontaneous, it is manufactured carefully over an extended period of time, to be unleashed at the right moment. And they did export this "revolution", to China and then to the entire eastern Europe. 

In India too, we see how CPI and a troupe of progressive writers and novelists leave no stone unturned to portray Maoists as the champions fighting for poor. They will always try to demean and degrade the country's defence forces , because a strong military is the biggest hurdle for communists to seize power. The second biggest hurdle for them is development and prosperity. Just see how these people are up in a flash to oppose any major development project as "anti poor", "anti environment" and sadly, being successful in derailing it most of the times. Maoists make it a point to uproot power lines  and railway tracks, bomb clinics and schools in the areas they operate, in short, blow away any signs of civilization, along with sporadic violence against the populace. Chaos make the people disoriented and willing to submit to anyone who looks like being able to restore order. And then these "champions of the poor" magically appear on the horizon, as the saviours of the population that submits to them. This is the model which Bolsheviks followed, which Mao followed, which Pol Pot followed. 

Disintegration of the society is done by the left via academia and media where they are not in a position of waging an armed people's war. Its nothing but criminal on the part of most of the western nations as well as developing nations to leave its media and academia in leftist hands.

With all its talk of tolerance and diversity, the left ironically does not even try to celebrate differences that make the human society beautiful and instead tries to destroy every diversity by mixing everything in the same cauldron.The left hates anyone who is in majority in a given place. It can happen that it hates the same group for being majority in a given country but then allies with it for being a minority in another. Instead  of asking the proletariat to unite the world, they ask the proletariat to unite to bring their dictatorship, turning them into gangsters and rabble rousers. And when their representatives dictatorship finally comes, they find out that they have been worse than ever before, not even able to voice their dissent. They discover the hard way that revolution is merely a process of replacing a tyrant with a worse tyrant. Their masters have changed, from the princes/nobles earlier to the ‘peoples representatives’ at present. Dragging everyone down to the same abysmal level never helps.

Socialism is a totalitarian ideology which brilliantly masks itself as liberalism. Totalitarian ideologies look superb on paper and speeches, they are almost sexually arousing to all the not so good thinkers who form the mob that become its grassroot enforcers. Someone else's lands, houses, fields and women in your pocket, what could be more tempting to fight for? No master to serve, but the one above us all, whether almighty or the great leader who will make bounties and goodness rain on us. The Utopia that we dreamed of. And whats a few skulls to be smashed if thats what it takes?

But when their beloved ideology is finally implemented, they realise that they were never the ones chosen to enjoy the spoils (the spoils are meant for the ideologues and the poster hero leaders) , but meant to be robots fighting 24/7 to enforce the ideology on others, dying unglamorous and miserable deaths, with fake medals and passages to fake heaven with non existent bounties. And they are bigger slaves than one when they started, as they find that their own kids will rat them out because they have been totally brainwashed by their once beloved ideology. So they live out their lives like robots, dying namelessly and in squalor (while the leaders names are grafted in gold). Afterall, its preferable to being beheaded/burned publicly or ending in a torture chamber and six feet deep minus limbs. The quest for utopia brings the greatest dystopia. Every time.

They want nothing between the elite and the hungry poor. Middle class decimation serves them well. Denial of private property or ensuring it at a minimum means that the populace is reduced to spending all their time ecking out a life on the edge and votes for anyone who gives them some hope at the end of every poll term. And ironically, with education firmly in their hands, the middle class too grows up as their sympathisers. There is absolutely no effort made to make an environment conducive for innovation, skill imparting or business for one simple reason:- Hard work and innovation is hated by the ruling class in a socialist economy characterised by cronyism and nepotism , because  masses will respect for the hard working, and the rulers do not want masses respecting anybody other than themselves. Because those who have something good  to respect, are not servile to anybody, least of all tinpot leaders who buy votes. Communism goes further in this regard, it has children spying over their parents, students on their teachers and for that matter , everyone on everyone, so that nobody has respect for anybody except the state.

Socialism rules that no matter who creates the wealth, it belongs to everybody, and that rewards should be equal, and not according to ones capabilities. There is therefore no inspiration to do anything good, but all the inspiration for demanding and entitlement. The rights and entitlements which give a citizen right over the money of his fellow citizen for which the fellow citizen has worked hard  are not rights and entitlements but collectivisation of incomes. This is not just unconstitutional but inhumane. And that is why the socialist regimes are quick to make private property into a legal right instead of fundamental right, a legal right which can be waived when the regime  deems fit. And since no business activity of any quality or meaning can be sustained under such a regime, all sorts of  fraudulent economic programmes are started to show people as employed. Jobs are a byproduct of economic activities like business, industry, and trade. They are a derivative, not the main underlying thing itself. No economic activity can be undertaken just to provide jobs to anybody. It is a waste  of public money and a fraud on the taxpayer. Public money is meant to  be spent for the expenditure of government and PWD, not for forcefully creating ‘jobs’ that result in nothing. Once the people bred on freeloading and sops realise that they can live and vote themselves to power on other people’s money, democracy becomes a mobocracy where 51% kill the rights of the remaining 49%. The only leaders that can be elected then are the ones who can  promise ever more transfers of money by dipping their claws into the pockets of the others who are powerless to stop them. And because elections happen after a fixed term of  every few years, and the vision of the politicians doesn’t extend beyond the next election, it does not take long for the sops and welfare expenditure to  spiral out of control, bankrupting the country.

Free market economy in contrast, believes that if people  if human beings are set free to achieve their own potential , with laws to keep society in order, the world would be a better place, and the society will get prosperous with time as the security of  private property is guaranteed and contracts are enforced; citizens trade on mutually agreeable terms, exchanging value for value. Because some people are more skilful, talented or clever than the rest of the lot, they get more prosperous than them. They are the target of envy, hatred and resentment of the others, but in a free market society , such resentments are addressed and as a result of larger economic activities, the benefits are trickled down in a better manner to the less fortunate sections of the society. In a society where leftists gain an upper hand, they nurture these nascent  resentments to grow them into rabid hatred which ends up killing the hens that lay golden eggs. Leftists are masters in manipulating the disgruntled sections of society into their lynch mobs so that they can attack  the rich, anyone doing better than them, or eliminate their opponents in order to them into power. The leftist dreamworld is to turn the whole of humanity into a zoo or a civilised labour camp where they will labour like animals for hours and queue up for their daily evening rations before disappearing into the hovels allotted to them. Free men are not equal, equal men are not free. Generations brainwashed by the left controlled education fail to grasp all this and continue to see them as justice warriors and saviours.

Once socialism takes root in a society, the so called rightwing parties, to win elections, are reduced to claiming that they would run the socialist state better than the socialists themselves. Not only that, once in power, they actually try to outdo the socialists in "Welfare measures." Once a dole is rolled out, no one who wants to come to power can dare to roll it back.  And therefore, setting things right becomes impossible before the total collapse of the economy. And leftists have even taken the control of language and not just education, they mutilate the language as per their pleasure in order to confuse the ordinary mortals as well as their opponent as to what they are at. Eg The word communal means shared, but it has been made to mean ‘religious fanatic’ in India.

By this measure, the very word ‘right’ , ‘right wing’ has become synonymous with  with murderous mobs of religious fanatics baying for the blood of unbelievers and rooted in medieval times. Intellectualism by default comes to mean leftist ideology. And anyone who disagrees is shouted down and shamed. The only right to free speech lies with the leftists.
Leftists lord over others by royally declaring-“Let them produce, but we will collectivise the incomes and redistribute according to needs. And to ensure that producers do not get too uppity, we will also lord over them as regulators.” This failed in USSR, China, Vietnam or any place communism took root. And today as well, it produces the same results, the only difference being that  the speed of decimation societies, businesses, and commerce is too slow for any alarm.
Corruption is the first inevitable consequence of socialism: Production is limited, therefore prosperity comes to a halt at the very onset. There are many hungry mouths for a limited number of goods, and the only way that a desperate consumer is going to have more of his share or a businessman is going to have more of his share of production is by bribing the right persons, or getting into the good books of the petty officials or the elected representatives, as per what an individual’s reach may be. And when the populace is certain that everything is going down the drain and that no efficiency is ever going to be rewarded, they start stealing for themselves as they know that if they don’t, the entire thing will go into the pockets of the corrupt public officials and politicians. Everyone takes out as much as they can while putting back virtually nothing at all. Socialism thrives because the bureaucracy finds a rich career of loot and embezzlement in their so called social programmes. The interests of the socialist govt and the bureaucracy always coincide, because in a socialist set up, only these two components make the most of it. This is the reason why  bureaucratic machinery always opposes economic reforms & downsizing government. Bureaucracy always finds socialism to be the most beneficial for growing stronger and wealthier. The more the means of production are in the state's hand, the stronger the bureaucrat grows. Thats why we will never see any bureaucrat advocating free market economy, because in it, he cannot control nor extract his pound of flesh. Each and every one of socialist programmes means massive bribes and power for the bureaucrats, and because an increasing number of bureaucrats are needed to administer and run all these programmes, it gives them ever available career avenues and riches and palatial homes.

Inefficiency and stagnation is therefore the second inevitable consequence.
"That’s the typical mindset in Socialist countries. The average Russian stole as much as he could under Communism because the entire system was built on theft. Much of Greece dodges taxes because they’re certainly that the money will just go to corrupt public officials. And they’re usually right. When everyone is convinced that the system is corrupt, they take out as much as they can while putting back in as little as they can. That’s true in Greece, in the old USSR and in Obama’s America.”- Daniel Greenfield.

 The third inevitable consequence is total collapse. The best leave the shores for somewhere their talent will be rewarded, no businesses of any value can come up thanks to the red tape stromtroopers and people are left to live a subhuman existence. Socialism destroys the society it claims to be the saviour of over the year, by slowly making every source of revenue generation defunct, destroying the working spirit and innovation in the populace and turning them into entitled vicitimhood glorifying zombies. And when everything is down, the great saviours of the poor sell the public enterprises to whichever capitalist they had abused to get to power in order to buy a few more years of time.

Freedom is described in so many words, but one definition that’s cent per cent true is seldom mentioned:- Freedom means prosperity. The ultimate freedom you can give anybody is to give them an environment where they can be what they want to be, it’s a different matter if they succeed or fail, but to give them a shot at it is very vital. And to give them a right to enjoy the fruits of their just labour is even more vital.