“The fault, Dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but within ourselves” - Cassius in Julius Caesar. As millions of fellow Hindus feeling the pain of being under siege in their own land, I cherished a dream of reclaiming the lost glory, of bringing back the days when Bharatvarsh meant everything from whats Myanmar now to the beginning of Central Asia. It might seem like a pipe dream, but it is by no ways ridiculous. Knowing that our glory is more than a millennia past us, it’s not a weird thought to dream about a resurgence, a regeneration. For a long long time, I had a place in my heart for political outfits who claimed to stand for this cause of making us great again, to undo the wrongs done to us for the last eight centuries and more, which continue still, unabated. Reading the history which glorified the barbarians and demeaned the protectors of this country, sometimes even demonizing or negating them, filled me with great rage (it still does). The chronicles of massacres of unarmed Hindu men women and children throughout the medieval ages saddened me to no extent. Somewhere, someplace, the desire to set this right is in all of us. Idealism seems the most beautiful thing as a child and as a teen, its only when reality sets in that you realise of your naiveté. I’m now left feeling that I was expecting rusty iron to become platinum. Its such a misconception today amongst all the people that jehadis are suicidal. What I have learnt and seen so far is that if there is anyone who can be called as suicidal, it’s the Hindu. And he proves it countless of times, time and again. He also proves that he does not need Islam, Christianity or Communism to eliminate him. These three are merely vultures, waiting gleefully for this morbid and suicidal imbecile to torture himself to death. They have already begun feeding on him because they have realized that its not much of a difference in this zombie being alive or dead. All that anguish at the sight of fellow Hindus suffering, of our culture and identity being slowly and steadily eroded away is useless because it is futile to feel any compassion and pain for a dead and myopic people who are sworn to their own destruction. Who is responsible for it? The foreign hordes and their ideology? True, we have been under attack since the last 2500 years, the damages of which have been devastating. Greeks, Huns, Pathians, Scythians and Bactro-greeks racially altered vast parts of the Indian populace by becoming part of it when conquest was impossible. A millennium and a half later, Islam made a bloody entry into India, permanently altering the ideological belief of a fifth of the population over the same period of time, turning them against their very land, the results of which are all for us to see. Its more sophisticated counterpart, Christianity followed a thousand years later with an equally bloody modus operandi. It did not make its converts agnostic, but made them self loathing of their ancestors. But they did not create this situation. They merely exploited it. The rot had set in a long time before the invasions. Since time immemorial, we have the habit of mutilating a tradition and carrying it forward in the mutilated manner till the original is forgotten in the time. The caste system (Varna Vyavastha as it is was originally known) was conceived as a system of division of labour. How conveniently it was mutilated into a division of class so that it was to be used as a system of oppression for the benefit of a few, so that knowledge remained limited to them and that they keep on enjoying their privileged status perpetually. How much this has hurt us need not be told. Thousands converted forcefully to Islam and Christianity were denied re-entry into the dharma by the priestly class. The poor souls had no other option but to remain in their forced religion. Over the period of time, their successors became more fanatic muslims and did more to spread Islam in the subcontinent than the original adherents. It was the converts who made Islam what it is today, an expansionist force which cannot tolerate anything standing in its path.
Who took Alauddin Khilji’s conquest to the south of India? Malik Kafur, a converted eunuch.
Who islamized East Bengal? Murshid Quli Khan, a converted Tamil Brahmin.
Who defiled the glory of Kalinga? Kalaghoda, a convert.
Who wiped out the very traces of Hinduism in Kashmir? Sikandar , a fourth generation convert.
Fifty percent of the world’s Muslim populace is found in the Indian subcontinent today. Had the whims and fancies of a few Brahmins been ignored and had the initial converts been accepted back into Dharma, not just India, but the world would have been a better place. But no use crying over spilt milk now.
Earlier caste system was a trump card for the higher castes. Now it is a trump card for the lower castes. In fact today, it is far more beneficial to them. By keeping the tradition of giving sub human treatment to lowest of castes, we laid the foundation of our downfall. Today, thanks to the constitution, its them who are the bosses of the so called higher castes.
Over the passing centuries, Hindus developed a false sense of pride, that they are so superior , that they need not know what is going on outside their borders. So what if the foreign civilizations are progressing? Surely they cannot surpass our greatness. Al Beruni, the chronicler who accompanied Mahmud during most of his 17 invasions of north India, mentioned “I have never seen such superiority complex anywhere else. These fools think that the world begins and ends with them. They do not care to look beyond themselves to see where the rest of the world has gone”. Is it any surprise that this superiority complex affected populace was caught napping? Agreed that we fought Islam in the most heroic manner, but the damage was already done.
Benefit of the minority at the cost of majority. Is this an invention of the Congress (I) ? Definitely not.
That too was a classic Hindu trait. The new ideologies of Buddhism and Jainism received all the support from kings. Every kingdom went out of its way to shower Buddhist and Jain monks with wealth. This despite the fact that the Buddhists had supported Huns and Greeks during their various campaigns in India only because a few of their chieftans converted to Buddhism. The Ashokan era (which the seculars call as golden age of India, no prizes for guessing why) saw almost half of the states revenue going for the upkeep of Buddhist monasteries and monks, at the cost of the hard working populace and disbanding of the military. The working populace lived in poverty and frustration, soldiers were forced to doing menial jobs as a result of disbanding of the army while these overfed and lazy monks lived a life of luxury. Vedic tradition was in the danger of being extinct. Brahmins immolated themselves in large numbers to protest against this but no avail.33 years of Ashoka’s rule saw the deadening of the martial spirit of all north and central India. India became an open ground for Greeks, Scythians, Huns and Parthians to attack. It took a general in the once great army, Pushyamitra Shunga, to kill the last weak Mauryan ruler, to set things right. Pushyamitra then started eradicating the cause of the misery, and his successors followed suit. In Bengal too the Pala rulers followed a similar strategy. Is there any wonder that the secular historians have painted Ashoka as a hero and Pushyamitra as a villain?
One thousand years later, when the marauders of Islam entered Afghanistan after flattening everything in Central Asia, the Buddhists decided to have a similar approach to them as they had with the Greeks and the Huns a millennia ago. And they were promptly massacred for opening their doors to the monsters hoping that they would tame them. The same happened in what is Pakistan today. The Buddhist majority tried to convert and align with the Muslims and were promptly cut down. The land was awash in Buddhist blood. Butshikan is an Arabic word for iconoclast, someone who breaks idols. The word But is derived from Buddha. Judging by this, one can only imagine the humongous bloodbath of Buddhists by the Muslims and the thousands and thousands of Buddha idols broken by them. Hindus fought valiantly and held the attacker at bay. It took just one century for Islam to sweep the entire Central Asia and Afghanistan, but it took them seven hundred years to go from Peshawar to Delhi. The brain dead proponents of “thousand years slavery” never reveal this. All this happened only because Buddhism had spread to titanic proportions, killing the martial spirit among the Hindus due to its influences. At its zenith, it was followed by more than one third of the population residing in India.(Jainism, which was even more non violent in nature, thankfully never spread beyond the merchant guilds.) India became a killing field for Islam only because of the overwhelming majority of Buddhists in the region of what is called Afghanistan and Pakistan today, except Sindh where Hindus were the majority. It was the Buddhist who was cut down like a defenceless blade of grass whenever he was found. Hindus fought valiantly. There are still forty million Hindus in Sindh province in Pakistan despite of a thousand years of genocide. This alone is the proof. Had there been even one Hindu for every two Buddhists in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Islam would never had come to the subcontinent.
But then what attracted such a vast populace to Buddhism? Spiritualism? Philosophy? No. It was the temptation of freeloading, of living a great life at the expense of others. That is what drew people to become monks The promise of having a great life at the cost of others. And it was an easy way out. That still continues amongst us today. Freeloading, self deception, self denial, escapism and pretending that the problem does not exist instead of combating it.
Our readymade answer to our sorry state is “So what? Our culture, our civilization is much more ancient and superior to the west. We always will be ethically and morally stronger”. I have one question for these wise (?) men:-
Why would we only have the privilege of having traitors? Why are traitors and petty minded people born only amongst us? Why aren’t any traitors or petty minded people or corrupt people born in the immoral western society? Can anyone remember any official of the East India company defecting to the Mughals or the Marathas for his own selfish interests? Can anyone remember any British Civil servant during the Raj embezzling funds that were meant for the Queen’s treasury? Can we ever find any example of anyone in middle ages of an English official selling his country’s secrets to the French crown and vice versa? The most corrupt Senators and Congressmen in USA too will do nothing which will undermine America’s security, however decadent and greedy they may be.
Why is it that its only us greats that produce traitors? And not one or two but in thousands. Traitors are only cultivated in a special type of environment. Traitors and corrupt tendencies are never born in a place where the common man understands that his benefit is not different from that of his society and country. And we have not been able to create such a kind of culture is what is the bitter truth. Glancing through our history reveals time and again that all the great sons of India who fought for us have been defeated by their own petty minded compatriots than the enemies. Muslims never ruled India. They caused unprecedented damage, but it was beyond them to conquer India even with the aid of the biggest war machine at that time. Thousands of mercenaries coming each year to India for replenishing the dead of the marauding muslim armies is more than enough proof of it. The Muslim monarchs were only titular rulers, and the main work of consolidating their empire was done by Hindu kings themselves who happily became their vassals to take revenge against their regional rivals. Does it need to be mentioned here what disastrous effects this had?
Muhammad Ghori would never had won against Prithviraj Chauhan without Jaychand. Akbar would never had gained the upper hand over Rana Pratap without all the Mansinghs aiding him. Sambhaji would never have been captured by Aurangzeb and brutally tortured to death had people like Ganoji Shirke and various others would not have aided him. The British too took full advantage of this, and all the revolutionaries were captured and executed only because they were betrayed by traitors.
Its such a fashion among all Hindutvavadis to condemn the Turks, Mughals and British for being cowardly and winning by attacking our weaknesses and taking advantage of petty minded people amongst us by luring them away with all sorts of temptations. This is an absolute idiocy. They are our enemies. And they have and are and they will harm us. And they have done it very very successfully. The terror machines of Islam and Christianity are doing their job perfectly well, the Jehadi who uses all measures from war to taqqiya to overcome the infidel; the Missionary who is carrying out his respective church’s ,Catholic, Evangelical or Baptist, to the fullest of giving the Bible to gullible fools and take away their land in return. They are doing perfectly what their faith is demanding from them.
The question is, what are we doing to protect ourselves? Are we doing even remotely what our faith demands from us?
Today the situation is no different. We are unable to produce a single person of integrity to occupy public office, may it be of any level. There is not a single institution in our country that we can look upto without any doubt in our minds. That itself is enough to highlight our failure as a people.
How long are we going to live in self deception of calling ourselves “ethically and morally superior”, and degrading the west by calling it decadent? Do decadent cultures bring corruption into the smallest nooks and corners of their societies? Do decadent people feed their own children with adultrated milk ? Do decadent people loot their society and country?
And what ethically and morally superior culture are we talking about? Do we even remember what it is?
Its unthinkable to find a Christian who hasn’t read the Bible. Even a Muslim rickshaw driver knows his ayats and suras by heart. But only the rarest of the rare Hindu has even opened the Bhagwad Geeta.
As usual, are we going to find faults in everyone else except us and say that its Macaulay and Maxmueller who have done this damage? Who went eagerly to them to become a brown Englishman? Who threw away all his traditions and values and swallowed eagerly whatever was fed to him? Who became secular willingly? And joined his tormentors in condemning his own heritage? Who made the theatre and cinema halls his new temples?
The Hindu .
Who has become a traitor, an appeaser, a coward, a spineless blob of jelly who can only condone his enemies and appease them, frequently ganging up with them against his own people for some short term gains?
The Hindu.
The only English translation of the Vedas is by foreign scholars. Am I to accept an idiotic excuse that vedic scholars in India are not upto it? The wealth of all the major temples in India is managed by the secular government which conveniently directs this money for popular schemes and diverts it to madrassas and missionaries. This can never happen without the active participation of Hindus.
A culture is destroyed not by the forces that attack it, but by the decay that sets within.
“We learn from history that we never learn from history”. This applies to none other than us.
Let us analyse in short the reasons given by knowledgeable (?) Hindus whenever confronted with questions about their existence
“We have prevailed for thousands of years through all adversity, and we will still prevail, going by our glorious history”.
So it’s a belief amongst our scholars (?) that just because we have been saved till now by heroic battles means that we can be saved henceforth just by looking back at these incidents. A prime example of the pompous pride that we have sunk into. One only needs to look at the Zoroastrians (Parsees). One of the most ancient civilizations, one of the most formidable in the entire world in times of Xerxes and Darius. Today they are only a shadow of their past glory. Agreed that they have contributed immensely to India’s glory, that they are a minority every country will love to have, but at the end of the day if one doesn’t have the required numbers to ensure the continuity of ones way of life, all the glories and achievements come to a nought. Today this glorious community is not even classified as a religion, their numbers are so low. Their subsequent extinction in the coming two or three centuries is a bitterly true fact.
Why should we be an exception to this? Just because we have survived till now dos not mean that we are going to live forever. I’m sick of the so called scholars who act as if we are going to live forever. If a single titanic catastrophe (natural or extraterrestrial that still is the debate) can wipe out the very signs of dinosaurs that had dominated this earth for 150000000 years, the wiping out of the thousands of years old most glorious civilization of the homo sapiens is merely child’s play in comparison.
So, if we erstwhile glorious people want ourselves to be past tense, our entire existence being limited to museum artefacts like that of the Babylonian, Sumerian, Assyrian and Mesopotamian civilizations, we are going the right way.
“Our heritage and culture is timeless. We are intellectually superior to these Semitic religions. We will always have an ideological edge over them”.
To this I have one question “What good is your superiority if you don’t have any head left??? “The pen is mightier than the sword” is only good as a metaphor. Try fighting with a pen with someone who has a sword. Wars cannot be fought on heads alone. Ideas make plans, they don’t make war.
“Hindus have always been non violent”.
This is a classic argument by secular mental retards whose heads and posteriors are interchangeable.
If Hindus had non violent, would there be a single Hindu in the world today? Hindus single handedly fought the biggest war machine in medieval times. Since time immemorial, Hindus have been the most fiercest and ethical warriors. The fact that eighty percent of divided India are Hindus is more than a proof of the fact. The very fact that I’m a Hindu today is because some Hindu fought, killed and died for me. The Islamic war machine that flattened everything in its path was stopped for six centuries by the Hindus. East India Company was kept out Indian waters single handedly by only one family. These liberal morons probably think that the Marathas were spinning charkhas for fifty years in their fight against the Mughals.
The fact is that today Hindus have no stomach to fight the threats that stare them in the face. They have become the wimps who are looking for soft targets. They have no desire to fight the problems facing them, so they sidetrack the real dangers, and attack the smaller rivals who are inconsequential and who cannot fight back. They have become seculars and liberals only because cowardice and self denial has become a virtue and a way of life for them. All the anti hindu forces are comprised of Hindus themselves. We have exactly become the cowards that our beloved Bapu and Chacha wanted us to be.
All that the Hindu organizations do is lament the fact that how Christian and Islamic institutions are never losing a single opportunity to attack Hindus. They should instead look within and ask themselves,
Why cant a single Hindu organization gear up to combat them?
Why cant a single Hindu organization answer effectively at the various accusations being heaped on them?
Why cant a single Hindu organization come up with an agenda to stop religious conversions?
Why cant a single Hindu organization adapt itself to modern times, make themselves relevant for the youth, introducing to them the heritage that has been forgotten?
All that they do in the name of saving religion is talk about banning cow slaughter (conveniently forgetting that they themselves wear leather belts and leather shoes). Their second rung leadership is full of rustic idiots who cannot speak one legible sentence nor have any relevant knowledge about the religion or the world around them. That is why jokers like Zakir Naik can call themselves scholars on Hinduism while these morons circulate pictures of Reese Witherspoon as that of a young Sonia Gandhi. No wonder the seculars are laughing all the way.All they can do in the name of being aggressive is burn Valentines day cards and slap young couples in parks. Some of these eunuchs (in my humble opinion, real men never hit women) get the wrong feeling of being men by storming into pubs and beating up women. Where do these mongrels go when temples are desecrated and Hindus killed in riots?
One of these cow piss drinkers had written somehwhere “The most painful sight for a Hindu is to see a cow being slaughtered”. Someone tell the retard that most painful sight for a Hindu is to see himself and his culture being persecuted in his own land. If these organizations cannot prevent it, they should drown themselves. Just giving empty slogans like”Hindu jagega, Vishwa jagega” is mere tokenism.
And then these same morons lament about the cunningness of the enemies.
Hindus today should be ashamed of themselves. If not their history, then atleast others history should inspire them. The children of Israel have been persecuted and driven out since time immemorial. Nineteen centuries of Christian love and fourteen centuries of Islamic love has threatened them with extinction constantly. But today they stand with their heads held high, and they have earned their respect.
These proud people finally fought and wrestled their land from the people who were sworn to their destruction. Two thousand years of wilderness and various pogroms and a holocaust was an inspiration enough. Israel is hardly as big as a small district in India, its population being equal to an average Indian city. An Israeli is outnumbered by his enemies by one to one hundred. But it does not deter him, because he remembers the following:-
“What the world says about us is not important. The only important thing for us is that we should be able to live with dignity in the land of our forefathers”- David Ben Gurion.
But a hypocrite, morbid, cowardly race who have by hearted Gandhian pious platitudes and Nehruvian cowardly lies can never live by the above statement. And these imbeciles dream of being a world superpower.
There is no use wasting time on crying about the Islamization and De-Hinduization of India. It has been done long ago, and done effectively by Hindus themselves in sixty years , the very task that could not be done by Islam and Christianity in more than ten centuries.
There is no use harping about past glories, and praising the religion if one cannot live by it. Nine Hundred Million Hindus are insignificant in their own land, the rest scattered like dust around the globe. On the other hand , twenty six million Jews are a fearsome force to reckon with.
What are we proud of then?
And when are we going to start living instead of merely existing?