Arent we beautiful?
We have been taught from childhood that we should be proud of our great culture and heritage. That Indias greatness lies in never invading anyone else. That tolerance is the greatest virtue that we have, and we must abide by it no matter what.
In short, a Hindu grows up learning about everything that paints his religion as a docile, non violent doctrine. All he learns in the name of religion is going to the temple or sing some half concocted hymn in respective regional languages in front of idols. He is influenced from the very beginning to idolize spiritually “holy” men of learning (?) who wrote paeans of god praise all their life smoking away marijuana, his political idols being the persons who dedicated their lives to clearing away the very signs of aggressiveness in his mind. In the name of history, all he reads is the chronicles of foreign invaders being painted as true heroes. In the name of fraternity, he is imbibed with the motto that his brotherhood starts and ends with his caste and at the most the speakers of his regional language.
It is always inculcated in him that vast talk and spiritual discussions is all that is needed to make him a true titan.
And we all wonder what makes a Hindu such an insignificant thing in the world today.
It seems that it starts straight from home.
This is the true sad story of a once great people. They are divided into three categories today:-
One are the Seculars, the grandiose result of experiments started in the cottage industry of Macaulay & Co. They surely laid a great foundation, to make pseudo Englishmen out of us. And it is us, who willingly and conveniently became a part of these systems. The beautiful organization called Indian National Congress was started with the aim of keeping these brown Englishmen in mind, to promote them to lead the masses, so that independence remains a distant dream. This experiment was so successful that it still continues in independent India. These seculars abhor anything which can link them to their religion , denigrate everything that is Hindu or even have a trace of it. Communists have preyed on these retards, and it is because of them that communism still thrives in India, its adherents protected as some endangered species. These morons have the Stockholm syndrome in their DNA, and cannot praise enough the tolerance of Islam and the scientific temperament of the Christians and the business acumen of the Communists and at the same time condemning the futility of being a Hindu. These people are found in various types, from the traitor to the brainless liberal to the politician and the civil servant who take pains in ensuring that India remains the only place where 20% rule the 80%
It needs to be remembered that seculars are found only among Hindus. No other religion has allowed them to survive.
Second is the Hindu who likes to call himself a Hindu. On paper this person looks every bit a virtuous citizen that any country can desire. But reality bites they say. This camp itself has many divisions. There are firebrand Hindutvavadis who adhere to what is right and hence are sidelined. There are the pure ritualists, for whom religion is nothing but worshipping and fasting. This lot can give the seculars a run for their money where cowardice and hypocrisy is concerned. Then there are the half literate fellows who know nothing, they only take the limited knowledge they can fathom and shut themselves in it, their service of the religion limited to burning valentines day decorations and being a pillion rider holding a saffron flag.
The third is a purely opportunist kind. He can adapt himself to any situation. Can call himself a Hindu when the wave is going that way, or a secular or a centrist when the tide is going that way. He merely milks the religious cow for his own benefit. Religion is only a matter of convenience to him, ideology a pair of goggles that are to be worn when the heat is on and kept in the pocket when the weather is fair.
He merely toys with ideology, plays with his core voter’s emotions, uses him to get to power and once there, reverts to the very antics of his predecessor , and when he loses, feigns ignorance as to why he was voted out.
Saffron organizations. They seem very impressive from a distance, but as you near them they are reveled to be a part of the problem, and not its solution. They have completely lost their touch with the modern world and think that big talk and big camps are alone going to make them a major force. The leadership comprises of old men who are excellent in heaping abuses at the seculars and jehadi-missionary combine. But their effectiveness stops right there.
All these organizations do is lament the activites of the secular-missionary-jehadi combine which is wreaking havoc. Why are they being angry at your enemies for working towards your destruction? They are enemies, and it is their duty to harm you. And they are doing it very efficienty. You lack brains and commitment and hence you are losing.
Their cadre too therefore can never rise above the semi literate and limited brained louts at the ground level who are only good at taking out rallies crying in hoarse voices or being saffron flag holding pillion riders in bike rallies. Their valor lies in storming the public parks and beating up young couples, storming pubs and beating up boozing women, burning valentines day cards and other innumerable ridiculous and idiotic activities.
Where are these testosterone pumped baboons when there are sporadic riots in which Hindus are killed and their property is damaged? Or when some Imam of a big Mosque calls the faithful to bring back the days of the “800 year rule”? Why cant they storm madrassas and beat up the budding jehadis there with the same enthusiasm as they use against women in pubs? Why cant some of their slaps be directed at the various imams and missionaries who leave no opportunity in defaming the Dharma?
We cant blame these imbeciles. The organizations which have moulded them are all talk and no substance.
All their camps and rallies cannot bring a solution for uniting the Hindu to reclaim his land.
They still cant have a solution of overriding the divisons in Hindus which exist in form of castes and regional languages.
They still have no concrete plan on how to stop forcible religious conversions.
There is no effort to be relevant to today’s youth nor any effort in improving their intellectual capacity.
And there is no willingness even to address them.
In 2003, three dalits were lynched in a village in Jhajjhar (Haryana) by an angry mob. Their crime? They were caught stripping and skinning a cow carcass. There was a big hue and cry, and the story was on all newspapers and news channels for more than a week. No Hindu organization condemned the killing of a fellow hindu. What followed as a consequence was reported by only in a small paragraph in one or two newspapers. The families of all the three dalits converted to Islam, vocally confirming that they were too happy to be liberated for such a religion.
Fast forward to 2010
Bareily, UP where Muslim mobs wreaked havoc as they were offended with Hindus playing Holi during an Islamic religious procession. The looting and burning of Hindu properties went on for two days before action was taken.
Miraj, Maharashtra. A Muslim mob wrecked havoc in the city after a hoarding depicting the slaying of Afzal Khan by Shivaji was put up in an election rally. Scores of policemen were injured and Ganesh idols were desecrated. The violence soon spread out to hit the general public as well. As usual, action arrived too little too late.
In both the above cases, no voices of dissent were heard from any Hindu organizations or political outfits or the public in general. A cow’s carcass is worth three lives and their three families, but the desecration of idols, the insult of a national icon and economic and physical damage to the Hindus is worth nothing.
And we wonder why people are not passionate about the dharma.
Lets look at the erstwhile Hindu party which used to call itself a party with a difference.
It was very vocal about the pseudosecular corrupt forces wreaking havoc in the country. About how the system in India was corrupt to the core, how national security was being compromised because of minority appeasement.
They fought for mainly three issues, thereby giving themselves a credibility of being a modern democratic party:-
- Uniform Civil Code
- Abolishing Article 370
- Building a Ram Mandir in Ayodhya.
During its six years at helm, it did not even touch the subject of Uniform civil code and abolishment of Article 370. Not once in those six years was even a motion tabled in the parliament. The Ram mandir issue too was conveniently sidelined.
Instead, Haj subsidy was increased. New love for Pakistan was found, completely allowing the guard to slip, which culminated in a fifty day war claiming more than a thousand lives of our armymen. If this was not enough, a few months a hijacked Indian Airlines plane was allowed to fly from Amritsar after refueling to Kandahar, where eventually it had to be freed after releasing a dreaded terrorist who now has been the mastermind of many subsequent attacks on Indian soil. A couple of years later, Bangladesh was not even threatened for killing sixteen BSF soldiers in cold blood. A certain gentleman, called “Iron Man” by his followers, was the home minister during the regime of that govt. This magnificent lion of a man had one brilliant answer to Pakistan sponsored terrorism against India; after each attack, this brave leader used to plead to the United States of America to declare Pakistan a terrorist state. And that was all. Scores of women and children riddled with bullets in Akshardham temple too didn’t make him consider another course of action. Maybe this was his idea of ideological integrity. We are indeed fortunate to be graced with his presence even now when he graciously apologises to the president of the ruling party for doubting that she might have accounts in foreign banks.
The head of the govt of this party was a dreamy poet who was in a divine quest to become the messenger of peace. So what if he forgot a few realities.
This grand party then decided to form coalitions with lots of eminent regional parties, including the party symbolized by a white elephant and a party which is exactly not known for its allegiance to India.
They also showed the generosity of letting their not so capable allies of taking credit for the development that they had done.
They were then kicked out of power. All hell broke loose between them. What wrong had they done? They were the next best thing to divine honesty. Differences broke out.
Then they played a perfect opposition party by doing nothing but raising ruckus, doing walkouts and also by voting against a nuclear bill which they themselves would have approved had they been in power. One excellent development during this time was that they had their hands full of prime ministerial candidates.
Due to such great developments ,they lost, second time in a row.
Not surprising, as this once party with a difference is today a party with differences.
They have got what they deserved what they got. They deserted their core voter.
When the National Socialists came to power in Germany in 1933, Hitler revealed what he and six others had vowed-“There will never be any deviation from ideology, and that they will as long as they remain in existence, be the only power in Germany”. And it was till the last that none of the national socialists ever deviated from their ideology. Till the very end. Hate the Nazis with all your heart, but you have to admire this.
Moral corruption can be corrected. But once ideological corruption sets in, then there is no way back. The affected becomes like a blighted plant, which is useless while alive and unsightly when dead.
And that is what the whole lot of us have become. Ideologically corrupt. That’s the precise reason for abominations like “Muslim Rashtriya Manch” to be started by organizations like RSS. It is as ridiculous as the SS having a Jewish Wing. But then, we have a history of making the ridiculous possible.
But then, the Hindu has himself thrown away ideology from his life, in effect he is culturally useless today. He has become a funnily ridiculous creature.
He feels that he is deeply religious, but the reality is that he is a mere ritualist, he is like a moron who throws away the fruit and eats the peels instead. He teaches his children to pray daily, teaching them all kinds of hymns made in regional languages, but never exposes them to the Bhagwad Geeta or the sagas of the real heroes. He makes them ritualists like himself, and then takes pride in sending them to Convents and Govt run schools which do an excellent job of making him feel ashamed of his culture (which thanks to his shallow minded parents he finds limited to idol worship and mindless hymns). He grows up finding solace in foolish ideologies like Communism and finds Christianity and Islam as cool .Look around and you would find hundreds of urban Hindus who take pride in their ameicanized nicknames viz Andy (Anand), Sid (Siddharth) plus many other names like Daisy, Sally, Mike etc that these idiots are proud to call themselves. Or ultra secular art loving Hindus who blabber Inshallah and Subhan allah at the drop of a hat.We are so very proud to show off to everyone that we can speak English, however pathetic it may be. Strewing regional language with English vocabulary is seen as a sign of intelligence (when actually it is a sign of linguistic ineptitude). This attitude has percolated to the highest level. Can someone please name one country whose native language is not english (except India), whose leaders speak english in world forums and diplomatic summits ? Even a country like Bangladesh does not do it from the day of its inception, but it took more than fifty years after independence to have a PM who spoke in Hindi in the UN General Assembly. This is the kind of inferiority complex that we have . And it is frightening. All this evil starts in every middle class home in India, middle class Hindu homes. As a result no development has been made to upgrade the Indian languages with regards to today’s world.
Instead of looking for answers in ourselves, we have based the framework of our country on a corrupt copy of the Western system, without adapting it to the conditions here. Hence there is nothing Indian in the Constitution of India. Or Indian Polity. Or Indian Parliamentary Democracy.
The Jewish race kept its traditions alive, throughout two millenia of persecution. After Israel was achieved, Hebrew was made the official language of the new state. Today, it is very easy for any Jewish youngster to find his roots. For a Hindu youth, its only confusion.
Confusion because it still cant be made out by the average Hindu as to what is religion and what is ritual. In the name of religion, godmen are worshipped. Every day some new godman or miracle man crops up wearing saffron and white robes. And they find no dearth of followers, given our nature of gullibility. The morons who become their disciples think that these are men of religion. In reality, they are nothing representing religion. They only make their own cults. And they are most happy to become the agents of hiding the ill gotten wealth of politicians, businessmen and other tax evaders. Another remarkable figures worthy of worship include the tombs of fakirs who spent their entire pathetic lives on alms.
Godmen have existed since hundreds and thousands of years and survived on the following that they had. And if they really had any miraculous powers then this great land would never have suffered from pestilence of foreign invaders. There would be no disasters, nor any evil in the society ever if these godmen had powers. The fact is that we go to these godmen to hide our own weaknesses.Instead of following these bogus frauds, people don’t have the guts to set their own lives in order. Hence these tendencies thrive.
Similar is the brainless practice by the Hindus to venerate the fakirs and sufis, who infact were the ideological centres to encourage the islamization of India.
For us, godmen is a touchy issue, cow slaughter is a sensitive issue. Caste is a super sensitive issue.
But the survival of our way of life is not an issue. The security of our territory is not an issue. Our children’s future is not an issue.
Why are we blaming the politicians for selling the country? Are we ourselves any sensitive about it?
Do we vote for a candidate thinking about national interest, Hindu unity et al?
We merely vote for him on caste issues and the petty gains that are derived from it.
We cry about the barbarity of the Semitic faiths. Yes, the Muslims teach their children the Koran and the Hadith from the cradle. Yes, the Church teaches the Missionary to zealously bring the heathen to its fold.
But what are we teaching our children?
We consider it as a matter of pride when our son says that he cannot speak his regional language and Hindi properly and puts on a fake Yankee accent. In case of other religions, the sons make sure that their wife accepts their faith. The Hindu youth converts in case he marries a woman outside his religion. We are raising pussies instead of men.
How proudly our hearts swell when we see our little girls shaking their booty to third rate Bollywood songs. They grow up jiving to Bollywood music, idolize the Khans that dominate the screen.
And in case they run away with some Khan or Ansari, its nothing but a natural result of a hideous story that we have started. But we still keep wondering how women fall prey to love jihad.
Is it any injustice then that the other faiths are preying on these naïve people? Two millennia of mistakes are not enough to make us see the obvious. We continue staying in a fantasy world, without realizing that it is only us that keep on propagating idiotic concepts like “All religions are equal”, “God is the same”, “Sarv Dharm Samabhaav”.
Just find one Muslim or a Christian or a Sikh who says all religions are the same. There are none.
All these pious platitudes are but a cover of our tendency to avoid resistance and finding an easy way out.
That is why Gandhism and Congressi influence was adopted by us instead of Hindutva.
Who are the seculars that we hate today?
Who are the people who have made minority appeasement the norm and raison d ‘etre of this country?
Who are the biggest enemies of the Hindus ?
It’s the Hindus themselves.
And until this changes, nothing is going to change for the better.
A large and divided majority is no threat for a small but ruthlessly effective minority.
Things cannot get any worse now, that’s the only positive thing one can take from this. The only way to go is upward.
So its upto us, whether we want to start becoming real people, or remain beautiful people as we are right now.
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