Anders Behring Brevik is a madman. Get that straight. And anyone who defends his actions as that of a patriot needs serious psychiatric treatment.
True that he speaks of multiculturalism as cultural communism which aims at withering away of the European entity and the emasculation of the European male through the promotion of the moronic ideology of feminism (which has been done very successfully). He is so very right when he says that internationalism/
But all his great ideology came to a naught when the first bullet fired from his rifle found its victim. Killing one’s own blood for spreading around your message can never be justified. It is a crime which only deserves capital punishment which ironically none of the European nations have thanks to their “humanitarian” handicap. One simply cannot justify the action of killing children to state that “Its better that I kill them before the Islamic monsters do”. The kids only fault was that they were attending a youth camp organized by a party who’s liberal ways were resentful to him. The seven government employees had the crime of working for the government who’s liberal policies were distasteful for him.
A patriot ,as he likes to call himself, never kills defenceless children or harmless office goers. That is the work of a cowardly sociopath. He fights against the enemies of the society/nation. By any means possible. That alone is a strong enough message for his countrymen.
But then everything in Europe has become haywire. It is not just the Old World now. It is in danger of becoming the Obsolete World.
Europe today stands at a very precarious turn. After dominating the economy and every other aspect of the world for nearly five centuries, the glory is finally fleeting. All the glitz and glamour today is only on the surface but the rot has started from within. All its spleandour is on the basis of past glories. And they are waning slowly and steadily. Looks like loot money can only take one this far. The only ones who can talk greatly of Europe are the brainwashed rootless generations of their erstwhile colonies. And their numbers are falling too.
Europeans still cannot fathom the fact that their best days are beyond them. And they are not coming back. That’s why when you see some of their clowns showing a superior attitude and belittling Asians, one should feel pity and not anger. The only representative of the west today is Uncle Sam and they are at the most, his subjects who have been allowed to have money but not much arms. Europe has ceased to matter after the second world war as an entity that decides the turn of the world events. It could never have survived without the Marshall plan as their best was already swallowed by the two wars. What could be more evident than the fact that not a single major company in Europe was created after the second world war (with a few exceptions like Heckler & Koch, but that too was made on the base of the pre war establishment). Switzerland is therefore a little country that can’t survive without the corrupt politicians of the third world stashing money in its banks and without tourists who come to its hills for skiing thanks to the hype generated. Spain was once the foremost power in Europe thanks to the loot and rape of the indigenous south Americans it carried out but it itself was kicked out by the people who it created by interracial engineering and today remains a country which runs on tourism and has little else to fall back on. Similar is the case with Portugal and Italy (who greatness too ended quite a long time ago) where they treat tailoring and carpentry like rocket science (take out advertising and the hoopla and one can see that all the luxurious exorbitantly priced Italian and French brands are nothing but hype and exaggeration. For the love of god, don’t tell me that something like Chanel perfumes or Hermes bags cannot be made outside France or that better suits can’t be tailored outside Italy). France always put up the show of being mighty but it had others fighting for it. The Germans showed how mighty it is in 1940. Since then it has been little more than a contributor to UN peacekeepers where military strength is concerned. England too today is little more than being the 51st state of Uncle Sam.Take out London and you have nothing which shows signs of a mighty nation. The lesser said about the others, the better. The Scandinavian nations are wealthy and prosperous but then, their say in world matters is small.
The insignificance and descent to third rate status in world affairs of Spain, Portugal and Belgium is an answer to anyone who does not believe in divine justice. These are the countries that made their fortune solely by the genocide of inhabitants in their occupied territories and by siphoning off their resources. The horrors of Belgian rule in Congo and that of the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions are legendary. Looks like what goes around does come around. Britain’s and France’s name cannot be added to this list because their hands are stained with blood as much as anyone else but they were also the pioneers of many scientific developments and inventions. They did not merely live off the loot of their lands. But that does not lessen their culpability and their reduced role in the world too is nothing less of divine justice. Being nuclear powers today and having a permanent seat in the UN security council will not make them what they were prior to the second world war. Its just like a quadriplegic getting the latest wheelchair with all kinds of gizmos which he can use to do amazing things but he still will never be able to walk again.
The only nation worth its salt in Europe is and always has been Deutschland (somehow I love this name more than the anglicized Germany) simply because it never needed to make colonies and loot them in order to become great. What it became great through is sheer quality it produced in its people. May it be inventions in any field or development of arts and music during the three or four centuries, one is sure to find a german name in it. Even in the lowest point of it being a human civilization, this did not change. Heinz Guderian’s Achtung Panzer will always remain an integral part of Armoured warfare. The American space programme is actually German space programme, by von Braun & co. Critics might argue that Germany’s post war rise has been because of Marshall plan but then, America has poured in tons of money in countries like Pakistan. What has it done with it?
But all this is changing. The post war generation in Europe grew on the new found wealth brought by the Marshall plan and in an environment of demilitarization and pacifism. One thinks that peace and lasting harmony brings out the best in people and makes them grow but it seems to have quite the opposite effect.
In Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace – and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock. – The Third Man (1949)
This kind of disastrous peace was seen in India under the Ashokan misrule of three decades which the seculars like to hail as the golden period of India. What it did was to eat away at the very core of the Hindu society by promotion of Buddhism and destruction of martial spirit and qualities. It only ended with the deserved abrupt end of the blighted dynasty. History repeated itself in post war Europe. All the peace and quiet instead of making Europeans great again produced a next generation that was nowhere near their predecessors. The young generation since then has been devoid of any sort of pride or nationalism and embraces extreme individualism and its grotesque derivatives that have shown up in every decade, the most notorious being feminism. The remaining damage was done by the suicidal family planning policies which discouraged an already limited populace to reproduce. The disastrous effects are for all of us to see where European nations today are not even able to replenish their population and are now showing a negative population growth. The deficit needless to say is being filled by the immigrants who have changed the society in these countries almost irrevocably. And most of them come from Islamic nations. That makes the problem grave as assimilation and loyalty to their host society has never been their strong point.
They rightly incorporated egalitarianism in the society but in a very wrong way. In the name of freedom and equality, the essential qualities like nationalism and ethnic pride along with religious identity were done away with and casted in a very negative light. This has resulted in things like German youth feeling uneasy with the use of the name Deutschland and Christmas being named Winterwall in many places so that the minorities wont be “offended”. Qualities like manliness and clear and unapologetic thought were frowned upon and suicidal trends like multiculturalism and feminism were included which caused the mutilation of society on a permanent basis. Add to that the self destructive policy adopted by the European governments of giving a handsome stipend to the unemployed citizens which gave rise to a whole section of a populace that does not prefer to be employed because they get paid too well for doing nothing. So why work when you can snort coke instead by taxpayer’s money. And its whites who overwhelmingly dominate this degenerate section of the population.
With limited population, labour became dear and hence had to be imported. First it was from eastern european nations like Hungary and Poland. But they too couldn’t keep up with the supply. So Africa and Asia came in next. And so the problem began, as an overwhelming number of them came from Islamic nations.A problem because unlike the Han Chinese or Hindus and Sikhs (who very quickly move up the social ladder and don’t remain in the labour class) and the east europeans, the muslim immigrants do adopt the culture as their own but make their own rules. An overwhelming number of them do not try to move up or contribute anything to the host society. They instead form ghettoes that become too big one day to engulf the original society itself.
The number of Muslim immigrants which started coming first as cheap labour in a matter of a decade became a torrent which made the Islamic population from non existent to almost one fifth in many countries today. Eurabia does not seem like a pipe dream anymore. Negative population growth in all European countries only makes this easier.
This is because they have by and large shown not to abide by the way of life of their adopted countries. From the littlest aspect such as dressing and other habits to the biggest ones. So one sees veiled figures in huge numbers in every major European city and mosques sprouting like weeds in every alley. Radical Islam is an alternative to European life which is being implemented by them with frightening efficiency. As a result we can see Mullahs/Imams and other “spiritual” leaders preaching hate with the same disdain in London as they do in Lahore. Or issuing fatwas in Rotterdam as easily as they might do in Riyadh. And killing daughters to save the family “honour” as easily in Antwerp as in Ankara. In Paris there are already countless areas which are a no go for non muslims. In London, armed Muslim gangs try to prey on British, Hindu and Sikh girls. And they are paid handsomely for achieving their “targets”.There are Muslim organizations who fearlessly proclaim loud their desire to turn the Buckingham palace into a mosque and to start their “conquest” from England. Sharia is already in place in many Muslim dominated areas in British cities. The stabbing and beheading of Theo van Gogh in Amsterdam by a Morrocan for making a short film critical to Islam is a stark reminder of what lies ahead.
In short European nations forgot that tolerance can only be affordable when a nation is strong enough to defend its way of life. And they still don’t want to learn.
The European society therefore is stuck in its own suicidal trap of political correctness and liberal values which they are proudly following but know deep down inside that they can hardly afford to do so. It is too easy to dismiss any talk of this impending danger as racism and fascism. So the crimes having the participation of North Africans increase but they can only smile sheepishly. The youth is too indifferent or is a parttaker in this roulette of tolerance. The governments refuse to address the problem itself, forget about doing anything about it. All this was too evident in the Mohammad cartoons controversy when British Muslims were shouting slogans about bombing UK on the streets in full view of the police.
Those who are frustrated by this impotence of the government and of the society to act and want to reclaim their national and religious identity. But they again are a confused lot as they never realize when their “patriotism” degenerates into racism. So we see the rise of various organizations of retards like neo Nazis and their likes whose nationalism is limited to creating drunken brawls and beating up some poor immigrant by ganging up on him. Or by throwing stones on policemen. They are too cowardly to confront the real enemies. It is from such frustration that Anders Breviks are born.
The European society today must realize that their way of life is too easy to destroy by the intolerant elements that they are tolerating in the name of tolerance. Unfettered immigration will have to be checked and if necessary stopped. More important is the rebuilding of their own societies which will start by getting to work and stop demanding sops from the government.
But most important is making their countries strong enough to defend their way of life. The time of the crusades might come again soon. But it will be lost if instead of knights they have liberal weaklings to fight it.
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