Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A few PC facts....

Human beings have been around for more than 300000 years but the human civilization cannot be larger than 6000 years. Any new discovery no matter how old it appears to be, must be squeezed in this time slot.To think otherwise is simply not logical.

Our ancestors were very very primitive people and savage. They had no culture at all and and whatever humans have developed they have done that in the last two or three centuries.

All the great monuments in this world ancient and medieval were built with tools no more complex than chisels and hammers. It is a different matter that they cannot be recreated today with the most modern mechanical methods.

Earth is the only planet in the universe that has life. To say that the universe is teeming with life is absurd. To hold the notion that very advanced civilizations exist elsewhere in the cosmos and have visited us in the distant past and have aided our development is mental retardation. But believing that god used to appear every now and then and performed miracles is rational thinking. Religious miracles and dogma is perfectly normal and unquestionable. Believing in extra terrestrial life is delusion. Believing in angels is piousness.

India never was a nation. It was full of bickering people and their weakling kings who fought against each other.

Hindu society was nothing but oppression and superstition and did nothing worthwhile to contribute to the world. It was only when the British arrived that they gave India its national identity.

All religions are the same.

Noone knew that the earth was round before Copernicus.Noone knew that the earth went around the sun before Galileo. Noone knew about gravity before Issac Newton.Noone knew about America before Columbus.

In India, Hindus and Muslims lived in perfect harmony before the British came and sowed seeds of hatred.

All the accounts of massacres by invading armies are exaggerations. No Hindu or Buddhist was ever killed in the name of Jihad. All invading rulers were benevolent in India and the Mughal era was the zenith of Indian culture.

Hindu history is nothing but a history of defeats. Nobody ever had the courage to wage war against the invaders. The invaders instead brought many “positive” changes in the Indian society.

Qutub Minar was built by Iltutmish. Fatehpur Sikri was built by Akbar. Taj Mahal was built by Shahjahan for the love of his wife. Red Fort was built by Shahjahan .

Only one non violent gentleman is the reason for India’s independence. Everything must revolve around him and he is above any suspicion. Noone else has made even a fraction of contribution to India in its multiple millennia old history like he and his organization has. Anyone who follows the principles of the said gentleman is too a defacto great being without question.

Anti Semitism was the invention of the Nazis. Such a concept never existed before they came into prominence. The German people were duped by the cunningness of Adolf Hitler to bring the party into power. All that was evil in the 20th century originated from Fascism. And ended with it.

Adolf Hitler is the most evil person that can ever be. Noone can ever exceed him. Not Stalin who killed sixty million and not Mao who killed close to ten million.

All atrocities that were committed were committed by Nazis alone. Soviet crimes must never be mentioned except in very intellectual discussions.The allies were spotless in their conduct of war and post war occupation.

Communism is an ideology that aims at social justice. All its ideologues are defacto intellectuals. The evils of Nazism must be discussed all the times but never the evils of collectivization. It was just that the dictatorship of the proletariat can experiment in whatever it likes with the cost of a few million lives. There are no crimes against humanity committed by any of the socialist saints.

Freedom is in danger in south east Asia when North Vietnam overruns South Vietnam and red threatens to colour Korea. At the same time if someone in the name of communism wipes out one third of Cambodia’s population in less than three years, its not worth noticing.

Using atom bombs, napalm and Agent Orange is very democratic. It does not stop you from becoming the champion of the free world as it is much better than the fascist Zyklon B.

Only one community has suffered and is suffering today as well. All victims defacto belong to this religion. To say that they are reaping what they have sown is inhuman. To say that other communities have suffered as well is being communal.

To burn a flag is a tolerant display of dissent. To wave a flag is homophobic xenophobic right wing extremism.

Saffron is hateful and backward. Red is intellectual and forward.

Extremism is only right wing. Left wing is nothing but humanitarian.

Israel is a bloodthirsty country hell bent on the genocide of the peaceful “Palestinians”. It always finds excuses to launch attacks on NGOs like PLO, Hamas and Fatah. All this because these poor Palestinians like throwing crackers in the evil Israeli’s backyards.

Kashmiris deserve the right of “self determination” from the evil Indian Army. India has to give them all they want in Indian Kashmir, even if the demography has been brutally altered. It doesn’t matter at all why no news from Pakistani Kashmir comes out.

JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald by an angle which allowed him to shoot three bullets from three different directions from one place.

Saddam Hussein was a nice person till he attacked Kuwait who needed to be eliminated because he had WMDs. He should have learned a thing or two from the tolerant Pakistani Army rulers, the benovelent Saudi royal family and the Magnificient Ayatollahs.

Just showing concern for Myanmar and Tibet is all thats enough. After that let them get back to being crushed by their rulers.

Socialism has killed more people than any other reason in the last century. Yet all the evils are due to capitalism.

Extremism and terrorism in the Arab world is only because America has interfered. Arabs can find more freedom in the west than anywhere in their countries. Yet, its the west that is the cause of their trouble.

If immigrants come to your country and start altering your society and way of life irrevocably, you must shut up. Because being called as a racist is worse than having a knife driven into your stomach.

White man should never have come to the new world. He should have let the various tribes live with their leathery tents and fire dances and bison hunting and scalping.

War is unnatural. Peace is natural as humans are by nature peaceful. Disband the armies. It does not matter that hardly 300 years out of the last 4000 years have been without conflict anywhere.

Male chauvinism is an animalistic quality. It must be countered with the progressive and tolerant ideology of Feminism.

A woman may wear strips of clothing which leave hardly anything to imagination. But remember, she i'snt seeking attention.

Its a man's world.Men are amoral, emotionless, soulless, ungrateful creatures without an ounce of goodness in them and whose only thought is sex. Women are beautiful, intelligent creations of nature who somehow are oppressed inspite of the law being in their favour.

Every heinous criminal has a right for dignity. The human rights of the victims that he killed and disfigured do not matter at all.

Politicians are responsible for all wrong that there is. The innocent god fearing virtuous people who elect them for short sightedness and vested interests are spotless.

Democracy means freedom of the people. It gives the people the right to decide their own destiny.

The intellectual future is surely in good hands....

Friday, March 2, 2012


We Indians love pedestals. And we waste no time in putting our revered figures there. After all what more can we do to honour the great people who were born among us than to put them on a highest position, make them into demigods and sing paeans to revere them?

Pedestals for us are meant for every great person. Our definition of great personality doesn't extend merely to some figure in the recent or distant past who did something which we don't remember or did too much to remember. Anyone can be great. It could be the cute leading star of a romantic no brainer or the anorexic plastic faced beauty pageant winner or the winner of a reality show or a talent hunt show, a politician who gives away freebies, an actor who is known for his supposed acting, a starlet whose talent lies in shaking her booty to third rate songs, a businessman who signifies extravagance and so on. In a culture as great as us, greatness is freely available.

The western civilization is surely decadent. They have absolutely no respect for their great personalities. Thats why they always bring them to the level of mere mortals, scrutinize their life and work and never ever blindly believe what has been officially told to them for generations. And they have th audacity to think that they can surpass them. We sane people can never have such an attitude, not in a million years.
After all, we are cradle of civilization and culture and we have to prove that time and again. One of the ways is by deifying great people. And its important we do it because it makes life very convenient for us.

Putting a great person on pedestal saves us a lot of troubles. We are saved the trouble of rising above our petty mindedness and puny mentality. As the person in question has been idolized and made into a divine figure, we certainly can't hope to emulate him/her or walk in his/her path to achieve what s/he strived for, as how can we, mere mortals, even dream of even being a fraction of what our idols were? We can forget about it and very well continue our corrupt and third rate ways which make life so much comfortable for us.

Putting great people on pedestals also saves us from feeling guilty. We as a great society always ensure to make life a nightmare for anyone who thinks of rising above the mundane and pettiness and dedicates his or her life to it. By deifying such people after death, we always think that we have atoned for making them miserable in their lifetimes.

Deification of great personalities also saves us the trouble of doing what the moral less west does :- Emulating them , keeping their ideals alive and making tomorrow better than today.
We can never undetake such wasteful exercises. So we deitify the great personalities, thereby mythifying their existence, placing them to stratospheric heights which we are sure we can never acheive in multiple lifetimes and making them into superhumans and gods. That makes the task of being puny and mediocre so very easy.

Another field where our genius lies is portrayal of revered figures in a way that suits us and popularising only the part of their life which we can easily adapt to.
Therefore, inspite of being an able statesman and a valiant warrior, Lord Krishna is portrayed nothing more than a bejewelled lover boy who spends all his time cavorting with village belles. Its not convenient for us to depict him with a sudarshan chakra but its so cute to put a flute on his lips. Its too tedious for us to picture him preaching the Bhagwad Geeta to Arjun but so very nice to see him as a butter stealing toddler.

Lord Raam and Lord Hanuman are too inconvenient for us to be portrayed as fierce and ruthless warriors. They must be portrayed as boy faced pleasant looking entities who smile at us through portraits, heavily adorned with ornaments and having the appearance of being hardly able of hurting a fly.

So, as a society, we have escaped the burden of achievement of greatness and improvement by putting the greats on a pedestal and convenient deification as per our whims and fancies.

Once we do that, life becomes very easy.We are then free to surrender our souls and brains to the pursuit of the profane and trivial, emulate our chosen role models to make our lives as pointless as theirs, elect the leaders who give us freebies and reservations, raise our children with a display mindset and to teach them to lie and cheat for the sake of a few bucks as we have been doing and in the end continue our tradition of being a little people and making the place we live in a spittoon for us and just about anyone in the world.

It also leaves us free to do another thing: Keep on harping how rich and varied our culture is and how we have the best brains in the world. Proofs of course are not required. The statues of our idols and great personalities alone bear testimony to this fact.
